Six UK Translation Industry Trends
What can we expect to see in 2025?
As a leading UK translation agency, we always have our eye on the new developments and translation industry trends shaping the future.
You won’t be surprised to hear that translation industry trends in 2025 are driven by technological advancements, evolving market demands, and the globalisation and localisation needs of businesses.
Here’s our look at what to expect.
1. AI Translation and Post-Editing (MTPE)
AI translation technology has come a long way, and its role in the global markets and translation industry is likely to grow. But while AI (or Machine Translation) has the advantage of being able to handle large volumes of text quickly, it still lacks the subtlety, cultural sensitivity and accuracy of human translators. This is where Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE) comes into play in document translation.
MTPE combines the speed of machine translation with the precision of human expertise. Professional translators review and refine the machine-generated translations to ensure they meet the quality standards required for professional use. This hybrid approach combines efficiency and cost-effectiveness with the high-quality translations that clients expect.
2. Developments in Advanced Translation Technology
Alongside these developments in generative AI, we predict that the use of advanced technologies in translation will become more widespread in the coming years. As translation software continues to improve, enhanced features will streamline the translation process and improve translation efficiency, along with providing improved real-time translation services.
This may expand into augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications in the translation industry. For example, AR could be used to provide real-time translation overlays for conferences and meetings while VR could offer immersive language learning and translation training experiences.
3. Localisation in translation
Effective localisation ensures that your messages are not only accurately translated but also resonate with local customs and expectations, maximising the potential to engage audiences in your target location while also minimising the potential for confusion, or, in the worst-case scenario, offence.
Localisation considers how different languages or cultures use and understand words and is becoming increasingly vital as businesses look to expand into new markets. Clients will place increasing importance on working with translation agencies whose translators and translation systems have a high level of native speaker expertise in the target language, as well as sector-specific expertise.
4. Sector Specialist Translation Services
Specialised translation services, such as legal, financial, medical, and insurance translation, will continue to grow in demand. These sectors require translators with specific expertise and industry knowledge to ensure accuracy and compliance with regulations.
For example, translating medical documents requires an understanding of medical terminology and practices, while legal translation demands familiarity with the legal systems and terminology specific to the countries and languages related to the text.
Businesses operating in these specialist fields will continue to rely on translation agencies with translators who can provide the necessary expertise to handle complex and sensitive documents, along with the secure systems required to ensure confidentiality.
5. Quality assurance in translation services
Clients are, quite rightly, demanding ever higher standards and greater accuracy. The translation companies that continue to flourish will be those that can demonstrate a rigorous approach to quality management, for example, a clear process for review and proofreading by experienced translators and subject matter experts to ensure the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.
Clients will be seeking translation agencies that can evidence their commitment to excellence through holding quality assurance certifications such as ISO 9001:2015 (QMS) Quality Management System certification and European Quality Standard BSEN15038:2006.
6. Increased focus on data security
As digital translation services become more prevalent, data security will continue to be a top priority. Translation agencies will need to be able to show that they have strict confidentiality agreements and secure handling procedures to protect sensitive client information. Ensuring data security is essential for maintaining client trust and complying with data protection regulations, such as the GDPR.
Clients will increasingly choose to work with translation agencies who offer secure translation services including client portals that use advanced encryption methods, secure cloud storage, and robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard source and translated documents and prevent unauthorised access.
If you’re seeking a translation partner for 2025, read our guide to finding the best translation services to meet your needs.
Contact us at our offices in Orpington on 01689 283 777, Piccadilly on 0207 484 0999 or City on 0207 830 9330 for translation solutions and language services.